Terpene: Bergamotene


Cannabis is becoming more accepted as a medicinal aid especially as more research is conducted to understand the complexity and advantages of the plant. Its superiority in the plant world is due, in part, to its history. The Cannabis plant is believed to be one of the first plants known to humans. Cannabis has been used for centuries, and it has been well-documented in historical records. Now science is progressing beyond anecdotal support of the cannabis plant’s efficacy.  

The healing cannabis plant is most notably known for the compounds THC and CBD. As researchers dive into the depths of the cannabinoid system it is becoming clear that cannabis terpenes are just as vital to a plant’s efficacy as are THC and CBD.

“Cannabis and Natural Cannabis Medicines” by Robert C. Clarke and David P. Watson and published in Marijuana and the Cannabinoids (2007; edited by Mahmoud A. ElSohly, PhD, The School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi) discusses how the cannabis plants produces many compounds of possible medical importance. Clarke and Watson reason that “cannabis is among the very oldest of economic plants providing humans with fiber for spinning, weaving cloth, and making paper; seed for human foods and animal feeds; and aromatic resin containing compounds of recreational and medicinal value.”

Cannabis and its Terpenes synchronize their chemical effects by working concurrently. There are over 140 confirmed Terpenes within the plant world, and each plant variety produces a unique effect. Because of Terpenes, each cannabis strain possesses a distinct taste and scent. Terpenes are aromatic molecules which are produced within the glands of cannabis flowers and buds. Some scents are considered sweet and fruity while other Terpenes are woodsy, pungent, earthy or skunky. While Terpenes give each cannabis strain a unique scent and flavor, these chemical compounds also contribute to the therapeutic effects that patient’s feel.

Ben Shabat and his team determined in 1988 that Cannbinoids and Terpenes work together. They termed this the “Entourage Effect.” The European Journal of Pharmacology stated that this effect “may represent a novel route for molecular regulation of endogenous cannabinoid activity.” This means that as a team these compounds make cannabis stronger and more efficient. This efficacy translates to better medicine and better treatments for patients.

Essential Oils have become commonplace and accepted as a supplement to an individual’s health care routine. Even drugstores, grocery stores and everywhere in between carry variations of plant essential oils and products containing oils to improve health. Just like all other plants, the cannabis plant produces and excretes beneficial essential oils. These essential oils are called terpenes, and while research is still evolving, science has proven that these oils can drastically improve a patient’s quality of life.

Bergamontene has a strong odor of ground black pepper. It is an aroma component of many species of the bergamont and orchid family. It has also shown some antioxidant activity. Bergamontene also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.

Some strains which may contain the terpene Bergamontene: Lemon Haze, Chemdawg, and White Recluse

Through the powers of the endocannabinoid system and with the proper use of medical marijuana, patients can experience long-lasting and natural pain and symptom relief. Opioid patients may find that medical marijuana helps alleviate some of the side-effects from those medications. Some patients find they rely less on their opioids when they implement medical marijuana into their health routine.

Speak to a certifying medical marijuana physician to determine the recommended strain and method of consumption. Also, the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center staff are highly-trained and skilled and can answer any questions you may have about medical marijuana. Each patient’s needs are unique.


High Life Staff

HIGHLIFE Magazine exists to support the repeal of all Cannabis prohibition laws and penalties throughout the world. Not another person should suffer incarceration or stigma because of these unjust laws.